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In: Internet Marketing

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) provides a bridge of strategies and methodologies to help in the betterment of customer interactions with a company. It gives a comprehensive insight and analysis that helps strengthen the customer relation bond. Hence, integrating CRM with other marketing strategies would yield efficient results. One possible integration is with email marketing.

Feeling frustrated to manage customers’ data in email marketing? A CRM integration would set the stage for more straightforward insights into customer management, providing easy individual analysis. There’s a myriad of benefits on integrating CRM and email marketing. Here are the top five:

Allows Personalization and Customization of Your Email

With the data collected on each customer through CRM, you would be able to organize and send emails that are tailored specifically for various interest groups. As a result, your analysis of customer behavior is more precise.

For instance, if you were a watch retailer, you could email your male customers to offer emails on men’s watches and vice versa. If you want to take it a step further, you can segregate the types of watches for specific age groups. For example, you can send email offers of ‘rough use watches’ for teens and classic formal watches for adults if the age is registered in the CRM.

CRM provides you with the benefit of customizing and personalizing an individual customer’s mail by adding their name in the subject content or the first line of an email. The result is a more personal touch that a customer is highly likely to like.

Improves Time Efficiency

Running a business would require a lot of work and time. It would seem like a lot of tasks and data to manage. Fret not! CRM brings the benefit of organizing data by segmentation which saves loads of time. You don’t have to go around searching multiple databases whenever you need certain particulars. CRM simplifies the process of organizing all your customers’ information and data in one place, which is easier to access.

Builds Sales Clarity

Since CRM helps you organize, save time and track data; it is quite significant for an efficient marketing run. CRM provides a deep understanding of data to see how customers associate and react to your emails. You will be able to customize and tweak your marketing and content strategies for a better result and to strengthen customer relations.

Increases Returns on Investment

CRM can estimate an accurate ROI or ‘Return on investment’ of a business campaign. CRM also helps draw accurate sales forecasts. Using a CRM like EngageBay which is free for a lifetime will help boost your open and click rates, thus increasing the probability of a sale.

The Nucleus Research found that for every dollar spent on CRM implementation, $8.71 was the ROI back in 2014. This showed a 3.11 dollar growth since 2011, where the returns topped out at 5.60 dollars. This value doesn’t cease to grow.

Build Stronger Relationships With Customers

CRM helps understand customers better and improve customer loyalty. It also enables you to understand customers’ interests and needs by retrieving their history clicks, and so on. CRM also allows you to show your appreciation for frequent customers by offering more discounts.

CRM gives an overall view of all customers’ information. Therefore, it’s hassle-free to process vital information and strengthen your customer bond.

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