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In: Internet Marketing

Guest blogging is becoming day by day popular as more and more people are indulging in it. But is it worthy to publish on other websites? Yes, is it more worthy to publish on another website than doing some sort of classified and bookmarking for it. As google give more priority to those websites which are having more referral domains.

This thing of google makes guest posting more important as it is a ranking factor. Here is one of my friend who has set up all his website and wants to make the website an authority in accounting niche but is still struggling from where to start or find guest posting sites. Let’s solve the problem of finding a high authority website.

Benefits of guest posting

There are multiple benefits of guest posting as it helps in positioning your name in your industry. It also helps in generating quality backlinks and achieving you at a high position in your industry. But many times it becomes a matter of serious problem when you are unable to find guest blogging sites. Here I have listed some advance strategies to find the guest posting websites.

Best tips for finding guest blogging websites in any niche

Make a list of all guest blogging websites- Under this, we are only searching sites which are of high quality and are relevant to your blog or business and add them to your list. And after that, you must determine that the website is accepting free guest posts or not by finding terms like guest posts or write for us or any relevant term like this.

Search on google- It is the best way for finding sites of high authority that are accepting guest posts. You can narrow down your search for querying like submit your guest post which seems more appealing in the search results. After getting high-quality blogs you can contact the webmasters on social media and he may provide you a chance to publish guest posts on their blogs.

Communities- These are communities that are mainly built to create contact with bloggers for guest posting. The two popular ones are my blog guest and blog synergy which is accredited with a great number of bloggers who are specially used for creating a relationship for guest posting.

Must Read: Why Guest Blogging is important in SEO?

Build a relationship with your commenters- This is also a great way for getting free websites for the purpose of sharing your guest post on other websites. As commenters are your real appreciator on your website. They do understand you as an authority and if you ask for guest posting they will surely and wholeheartedly welcome your proposal.

Twitter search- This is the easiest and the safest way when you are searching for a high-quality guest post site. As in this, you need not get tensed simply head over in the twitter search and place your keyword with guest posts and in a few seconds, you will find high-quality sites that are accepting the guest posts in your niche.

Reverse engineering of your competitor’s backlinks- This is also one of the great ways in which you need not do much work simply placing the competitor’s link in the backlink checker tool and see the domains who have provided a backlink to him. And then the work is simple you need to write an article and ask him for a backlink to outreach your competitor.

Here I have told the best strategies which are specially meant for earning backlinks from other websites and all the above given are the best of my knowledge and easy to implement for achieving high-quality guest posting website.


After reading this you have achieved a basic understanding of getting a quality website for a high-quality backlink in your niche. These techniques are the best and also used by many professionals for generating a quality backlink.

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